In-Home Physiotherapy In Vaughan, or Richmond Hill, ON?

A Message From Allen Eshmoili, Owner and Founder of Premier Spine and Sport Rehabilitation and Wellness
Are you tired of living in pain and feeling as though you’ve tried everything to find relief only to be disappointed?
Is it hard for you to schedule in-clinic sessions because of your busy schedule?
Are you looking for a convenient solution so you can get back to living life on your own terms?
If this sounds like you — you’re in the right place! Here at Premier Spine, we offer In-Home Physiotherapy services for people just like you. Keep reading to learn more about In-Home Physiotherapy and how it can help you.
We know how frustrating it can be to need physiotherapy treatment — but not have the time or the flexibility for in-clinic appointments. That’s why with In-Home Physiotherapy, we made it easy for you to prioritize your health and wellness and finally find the relief you’ve been looking for.
With In-Home Physiotherapy, your physiotherapist travels to your home or office to provide the treatment needed to be able to finally feel good again. And not only that but in a comfortable environment planned around your schedule.
Our in-home services are perfect for…
Active adults looking to find relief or to heal properly from pain, injury, or surgery
Adults that don’t want to or are unable to leave their home for treatment
Those that prefer the convenience of being treated at home by their physiotherapist
Older adults who need long-term care to improve general weakness, difficulty walking, and balance & fall issues
Those who require immediate post-operative care after hip/knee replacement, fracture fixations, tendon repairs, ACL reconstruction, spine surgery, and more
Those who can’t drive because of surgical or non-surgical restrictions
Those who don’t drive and depend on family, friends, or Uber to get to medical appointments — since we come to you, arranging for transportation is no longer a concern!
Our goal is to help make healing and finding results easy for you by coming to you.
At Premier Spine, we prioritize our patients and their goals. After analyzing your condition and deciding on the best plan of treatment — we begin our work together.
With us, you can expect to feel properly cared for and to find the results you haven’t been able to find anywhere else — all from the comfort of your own home.
In-Home Physiotherapy fits into your schedule, not the clinics.
With In-House Physiotherapy, this means you have a better chance of sticking to your treatment plan because the appointments are made around your schedule — not ours.
We can see what is contributing to the problem firsthand.
Maybe the way you use your kitchen needs to be changed or your home office that you use every single day isn’t properly set up. Perhaps it’s your favorite chair or your monitor is at a poor angle at your desk. When your physiotherapist enters your home, they are able to assess your surroundings and make note of factors that are working against you and could be causing the pain or problems you’re currently experiencing. The quick and easy suggestions that follow after the assessment of your environment can make all the difference when it comes to your recovery.
Exercises taught exactly where you will do them.
A challenge with in-clinic physiotherapy is that you are often taught exercises with specialized equipment that you are unable to access at your home on your own time. With In-Home Physiotherapy, your specialist will use your home environment and what you have on hand to create a custom exercise plan that’s easy to follow while being maximally effective. Also, your physiotherapist will bring any necessary equipment or tools needed, depending on your personalized treatment plan of care.
Make it a family affair.
Family and caregivers can be an integral part of the care team when they are trained by the physiotherapist on how to help with simple exercises or help support and keep you on track.
No commute – rest and recover after treatment.
There’s nothing worse than feeling great after a good physiotherapy session and having it all undone while you fight traffic to get home. With In-Home Physiotherapy, you’re able to rest and recover in the comfort of your own home right after your session is completed. No commute. No traffic. No stress is put on the body.
With In-Home Physiotherapy, we bring everything to you.
Save time and leave out the confusion. Don’t stress yourself out with arriving to appointments on time and battling traffic. In-Home Physiotherapy is designed with your convenience, flexibility, and unique rehabilitative needs in mind.
Allow us to sit in traffic instead of you! We know how precious your time is and as physiotherapists, we’re ready to come to you and make the most out of your sessions through In-Home Physiotherapy.
If you’re interested in learning more about In-Home Physiotherapy and how it can benefit you, be sure to contact us and ask about our availability & cost today! We’d love to discuss how In-Home Physiotherapy can benefit you and if it’s the right fit!
Is my treatment covered by insurance?
Can I have a physiotherapist come to both my home and my office?
How can I make the most out of my In-Home Physiotherapy?
- The Environment: Make sure you have an ideal spot in your home that is well-lit and free from hazards and clutter.
- Be Prepared: Wear comfortable clothing while being assessed. Shorts and a t-shirt or tank top are usually sufficient.
- Your Medical History: If you have any relevant medical documents (test results, specialist appointment summaries, etc.) have these printed and ready to show your physiotherapist. Write down your current medications or have them on hand.
- Your Goals: Take a moment to think about what you hope to achieve with your physiotherapist. Reducing pain and improving movement is certainly desirable, but why do you want to feel and move better? Are you looking to get back to a favorite sport, such as golf? Do you have to finish that DIY home project? Or perhaps your problem is preventing you from sleeping through the night or going up and down the stairs efficiently. Whatever it may be — decide how your problem is limiting you and be ready to tell your physiotherapist.
- Do Your Homework: Most patients will be prescribed a home exercise program by their physical therapist. How quickly you achieve your rehabilitation goals is directly related to how closely you adhere to your home exercise schedule.